Lactation, bound Tits and Vulcano Milkstreams, by Spyro1958

Punishmycuntttt 2年之前
Loved the action. Can be so much harder. It should hurt and make the nipples sore for days. I like mine twisted and pulled by a man's hard fingers, almost ripping them off. It hurts for a week and while sore we should present our tits to men so that they can suck on them that makes the sores last longer and please men at the same time. My nipples were very raw once from punishment and i refused to let my master suckle on them at night. He beat up my cunt till it was red and swollen and continued to suck them anyway. Now i jiggle my paining breasts for him to enjoy before he gets to suck
NastyFriend2 1年之前
Instead of wasting the milk someone should suck and bite her nipples till she can't feel them
cccmcc10s 1年之前
NOW WE'RE TALKIN'!  love the squeezing, kneading, milking of her hot tits.  love her fucked at the same time with a guy poking a rubber cock inside her.  wish he'd used a cane on her belly while all this was going on.  FINALLY SOMEBODY GETS IT.  WE WANT TO SEE NAKED WOMEN, BOUND WITH THEIR TITS SQUEEZED, MILKED, PINCHED, PULLED, SLAPPED AND USED ANYWAY A MAN CHOOSES.  WAKE UP AMERICAN BDSM VID MAKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Slioitin66 1年之前
My mate met a plump tart with big tits he took a pic of her little nipples .he said with in figure months he show me nother pics.he pulled her tits and twisted them till she was sore every day and bruised .he then showed me nother pic her nipples was like clothes pegs and thick and long .she then got pregnant .he shared her whith me I pulled her tits to bits .I tried it on my wife Wen I got married but she couldn't stick the sireness
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Hhhhhrgfff 26天之前
Wtf is this comment are they r*pist? Bdsm should be banned the way they are squeezing it's so painful 👎🏻
TuGutes 1天之前
Daddy und sein Freund machen es glücklich. 
TuGutes 1天之前
Du bist ein toller Mann!
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kawa2000bike 7天之前
Lovely cow milking 
GeilesOutDoorPaar01 kann Kollege wieder vor mir im Sommer am Camping von oben in das T-Shirt meiner Freundin rein fassen und ihre großen dicken ficktitten raus holen,dann ihren BH zerreißen,und die großen dicken FickTitten meiner Freundin mit aller Kraft durchkneten und schlagen.dann holen wir die ganze Nacht ihre Tittenmilch raus und reißen wieder ihr enges fotzenloch extrem weit auf und schön auslecken und fingern und mit ihm zusammen richtig hart die Fotze meiner Freundin richtig hart kaputt ficken.vorher hebe ich sie vor meinem Kollegen komplett nackt hoch, Beine spreitzen und ihr enges blankes fotzenloch extrem weit aufreißen und er kann wieder seine Zunge in ihr enges blankes fickloch rein stecken und auslecken und mit den großen dicken FickTitten meiner Freundin spielen,mit aller Kraft durchkneten und schlagen und schön im hohen Bogen ihre Tittenmilch raus spritzen lassen werde sie auf ihren Wunsch auch am Camping am FKK See öffentlich komplett nackt an nem Baum binden und ihre großen dicken ficktitten richtig abbinden bis sie fast platzen und die Tittenmilch im hohen Bogen raus spritzt, ihre großen dicken ficktitten stehen dann zur freien Verfügung bereit 
rinovit 26天之前
Mungere sempre con la donna sotto stress orgasmico.  È garantita una grande quantita di latte. I capezzoli devono essere tirati ed spremuti molto forte. La mucca deve rimanere sempre  con i capezzoli doloranti fra una mungitura e l'altra che si cansia debbano avvenire ogni 12 ore.