Tranny whore Sarah's total humiliation, smokes ,wanks, penetrates her cunt, drinks piss, and covers hersel in revolting mess

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Tranny femboy whore Sarah Millward completely degrades herself as instructed by wife's Bull. She smokes, although previously a fitness freak, 'to look like a real streetwalking slag,' wanks her pathetic sissy clit, pisses in a glass and drinks, then covers herlf in revolting mess - cream pies in the face, eggs and beans and sausages over the head, a truly humiliated, unrecognizable, wet and messy slut. Would you fuck it, or would you burst into laughter? Likely both. But it doesn't matter what you like look, you could a gross old fat guy, but Sarah isn't fussy, in fact she prefers gross looking guys, because it makes it even more humiliating - as long as you've got a cock it doesn't matter a toss what a guy looks like, bring it on, as many as possible!.

triggers7 commonDateAgo
commonTo SissySarahMillward : Please can I meet you Sarah ❤️ and let you humiliate me 
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triggers7 commonDateAgo
commonTo SissySarahMillward : You make me feel so horny and I can't stop thinking about you and I piss myself every time I read your comment 
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SissySarahMillward commentsOwnerPublisher commonDateAgo
commonTo triggers7 : Thank you so much sweetheart. Nothing I'd like more than to piss all over your hair, face and then soak those panties and the clitty cock inside them, darling, love, Sarah xxxxx
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SissySarahMillward commentsOwnerPublisher commonDateAgo
commonTo triggers7 : Thanks so much darling, love to pull those panties down and suck your pathetic excuse for a cock, bitch, Sarah xxxxx
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triggers7 commonDateAgo
Sarah I think you are stunning ❤️ I would love to have you piss over me 